Jewish Book Design
The hearts and minds of readers worldwide are captivated by the books we design. Each custom-designed book offers unique features that tastefully blend tradition with contemporary style. With a specialty in bi-lingual volumes, Spotlight stands in the forefront of book design for quality Jewish literature.

Sefer HaMaamorim - Book Design

Chitas - Book Cover Design

Make Peace. - Book Design

Stairway to Serenity - Book Design

Letters for Life - Book Design

Simcha - The Chassidic approach to Joy - Book Design

Healthy in Body, Mind & Spirit

Torah Studies - Book Design

The Basics of Chassidus - Book Design

Gate of Trust - Book Design

Sons and Daughters of Israel - Book Design

Lightpoints - Book Design

Why God Why - Book Design

The Laws of Family Purity - Book Cover

Conversations with Zaidy - Book Design

Early Years - Book Cover

Portions of Light - Book Design

Likkutei Sichos - Book Design

Tomim Series - Book Design

Inclusion - Book Design

Chai from Thai - Book Design

Torah Menachem Russian - Book Design

Five Years - Book Design

Soho Synagogue - Friday Night Siddur

Friday Night Siddur - Book Design

An Inner Perspective - Book Design

The Lawyer and the Mystic - Book Design

Eternal Values - Book Design

Historical Sketches - Book Design

Wisdom to Heal the Earth - Book Design

Sefer Haftorot - Book Design

Tehillim - Book of Psalms - Book Design

Lessons in Tanya - Book Design

A Life changing Mashpia - Book Design

Subbota - Book design

From the Depths - Book Design

The Living Lessons Pirkei Avot - Ethics of Our Fathers

Lessons in Sefer Maamorim - Book Design

Rabbi Naftali Hakohen Katz - Book Design

Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch

Les Merveilles De La Nature - Book Design

Siddur Design

Tzava'at Harivash Book Design

Book of Psalms

Pirkei Avot - Book Design